Fortnite Leaker Reveals Godzilla Mythic Abilities Early

Players are about to get a chance to grab a new Godzilla themed Mythic item in Fortnite. This special Godzilla Mythic will let players transform into the giant monster giving them his awesome powers and huge size. Plus King Kong is expected to show up in the game soon too.
A recent leak about Fortnite has revealed exciting news about an upcoming update featuring Godzilla. This update will bring a thrilling new Mythic item that gives players powerful abilities which could change how battles are fought in the game. Along with the Godzilla updateFortnite will also introduce the popular character Hatsune Miku both of which fit perfectly with the game Japanese themed battle pass and chapter. Since it started in 2017 Fortnite has seen many updates with Epic Games treating it as a constantly changing platform instead of a finished game. This approach shows in how the game has developed especially with its latest updates. Fortnite has added new weapons event and collaboration and it also changed a lot. One of the biggest changes is the new Ballistic mode which is a first person game style that has two teams of five competing in a tactical setting similar to CounterStrike. Big changes are always coming as Fortnite gets ready to show off its newest updates to its ever changing weapon lineup.
